
Worksmart multi-award winners at the Gamechangers Global Awards 2022!

Picture of Sam Hall

Sam Hall

With over 20 years of marketing experience across telecoms, Third Sector, IT, Construction and now the Financial Services industry, Sam is a results-driven marketing professional with a passion for designing communication channels that enable an organisations to speak meaningfully and respectfully to prospects and clients.
Gamechangers ACQ5 awards 2022

The Gamechangers™ Global Awards honour the leading deal teams, firms and professionals whose activities set the standard for our markets. This year, companies and individuals, representing every major market in the world, became finalists for the awards.

“Operating a legitimately independent nomination process, our award winners are chosen by our readership. Every year, we seek their assistance of our readers, the industry itself, in recognising industry leaders, eminent individuals, exemplary teams and distinguished businesses, which we believe represent the benchmark of achievement and best practice in a variety of fields – and every year, we turn to them to help as we strive to recognise an ever-widening spectrum of services, markets, industries and organisations that serve our global marketplace. We believe that by consulting our readers we can better identify the groups that are confronting the issues which face us at this ongoing complex juncture, and our awards will rise above the status of participation certificate and actually be an endorsement of their work.” Robson continued.

Gamechangers™ Global Awards’ Objective as Always: To gather quantitative and qualitative information from and about the sector to be able to give a set of “Best of” awards. We founded the Gamechangers™ Global Awards program to empower end users to make smarter, more confident decisions.

One of the industry’s favourite awards events was right to anticipate another record-breaking number of votes! The total number of nominations received stood at an amazing 98,471.

We’re delighted to announce that Worksmart are the proud recipients of the following awards this year:

  • UK RegTech Company of The Year
  • UK Complaints Management Solutions Provider of The Year
  • UK Chief Technology Officer of The Year – Andy Bower
  • UK Gamechanger of The Year – Julie Pardy
  • UK Regulatory Compliance Consultancy of The Year
  • UK SM&CR Solution Provider of The Year


These globally run awards recognise organisations and individuals that have achieved outstanding commercial success in designated areas of expertise, It’s wonderful to have been acknowledged for our achievements, and that everyone at Worksmart has been recognised for their unwavering dedication and commitment to developing, implementing, and supporting the expert solutions we provide for our clients in the regulatory industry.


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